[Openchemistry-developers] GSoC'19 Introduction and Interest

Rounak Agarwal rounakr.ag73 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 02:22:44 EST 2019


I am Rounak Agarwal, a third year CSE undergraduate at IIIT Jabalpur,
India. I am looking to contribute to *cclib* under* Open Chemistry* as part
of GSoC'19. I went through the ideas listed at

I am interested in the idea *Support for QCSchema JSON output*

I am familiar with Git and Github having contributed to Open Source
projects before. My Github profile: https://github.com/agarwalrounak
You can read more about my previous Open Source contributions here:
I also have a lot of experience with Python as most of the projects I have
worked on involved Python. Furthermore, I have dealt with JSON before as I
have created an application where I had to parse the JSON output returned
by the API for useful information. The same project can be found here:
Also, I have some experience with physics and chemistry since I had science
as my major in class 12.
To discuss further on the idea, I request an invitation to the slack
channel https://openchemistry.slack.com/
Also, I would like to know how I can move ahead with the idea so that I can
prepare a proposal.

Looking forward to a lot of fruitful discussion on the idea.


Rounak Agarwal
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