[Midas] uuid

Mona Wong mona at sdsc.edu
Wed Sep 26 15:56:19 EDT 2012

	I have a question about which uuid to use when saving a file.

	I have the following code in my controller:

	$ItemModel = MidasLoader::loadModel('Item'); 
	$lastRevisionDao = $ItemModel->getLastRevision ( $itemDao ); 

	and output of those 2 variables give me:

itemDao : ItemDao Object
    [_model] => Item
    [key:protected] =>
    [_key] => item_id
    [saved] => 1
    [item_id] => 62884
    [name] => rkd2_merged_phase001.nii.axml
    [description] =>
    [type] => 0
    [sizebytes] => 3027
    [date_creation] => 2012-09-24 20:58:33
    [date_update] => 2012-09-24 20:58:33
    [thumbnail_id] =>
    [view] => 0
    [download] => 5
    [privacy_status] => 2
    [uuid] => 506101b9646c4f0e1bea6ba75c3ad5aa7bef3f45eaf71

lastRevisionDao : ItemRevisionDao Object
    [_model] => ItemRevision
    [key:protected] =>
    [_key] => itemrevision_id
    [saved] => 1
    [itemrevision_id] => 62848
    [item_id] => 62884
    [revision] => 3
    [date] => 2012-09-06 20:53:51
    [changes] =>
    [user_id] => 13
    [license_id] =>
    [uuid] => 506101b996a2811ecc80a82bff73b3b90bdfcaab11d16

	So there is a uuid for the item and a different uuid for the last revision.  Is the uuid for the $itemDao for the first revision?  If I use the $itemDao's uuid on a call to midas.item.create, what will happen?  If I want to save a new revision of the item, should I go through the process similar to creating a new item: midas.item.create -> midas.upload.generatetoken -> midas.upload.perform ?


    Mona Wong
    Web & iPad Application Developer
    San Diego Supercomputer Center

    Believing we are in control is an
    illusion that brings suffering.

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