Mona Wong mona at sdsc.edu
Thu Jul 5 20:11:49 EDT 2012

	I finally got the following to work showing a new entry for checkbox'ed item for Midas 3.2.6:

{    midas.registerCallback ( 'CALLBACK_CORE_RESOURCES_SELECTED', 'annio',        function ( params )
            if ( params.items.length > 0 )
                var webroot = json.global.webroot;
                var html = '<li><img alt="" src="' + webroot +
                    '/core/public/images/icons/edit.png"/> <a href="'
                    + webroot + '/midas/annio/?itemid=' + 
                    params.items.join ( ',' ) + '">Annotate image</a></li>';

            params.selectedActionsList.append ( html );

	How do I get the item's name (filename) from the params?

	I tried params.items[0].name but that didn't work...


    Mona Wong
    Web & iPad Application Developer
    San Diego Supercomputer Center

    You are the light you wish to see.

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