[Kwiver-users] Scene segmentation

Matt Brown matt.brown at kitware.com
Mon Mar 16 17:15:01 EDT 2020

Hello kwiver users,

I'm looking to develop a scene segmentation KWIVER pipeline, and I'm
curious whether others have input on how to go about this regarding KWIVER
nodes/types. Ultimately, I am working toward a demonstration with a
hand-held TX2+camera that we can point out our balcony and get some
visualization of the live segmentation results (e.g.,
asphalt/grass/trees/building/sky) along with a low-bit-rate vectorized
version of the boundaries. The easiest route would be to develop a TensorRT
scene-segmentation arrow of an *image_filter* algorithm that takes imagery
and outputs a uint8 image with each of the 256 integers reserved for one
class per pixel. This would throw away information regarding confidence
(both per pixel and on a region basis), but this might be ok for now. To
vectorize, I'm thinking of an OpenCV arrow for findCountours.

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