[Kiwiviewer] Kiwiviewer Digest, Vol 15, Issue 3

yao2049 at gmail.com yao2049 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 05:01:50 EST 2014

check my gist https://gist.github.com/shangjiyu/8682714 it may help you 😊

发自 Windows 邮件

发件人: kiwiviewer-request at public.kitware.com
发送时间: ‎2014‎年‎2‎月‎20‎日, ‎星期四 ‎16‎:‎57
收件人: kiwiviewer at public.kitware.com

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Windows 7 Platform - Build VES error (Aashish Chaudhary)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 03:57:39 -0500
From: Aashish Chaudhary <aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com>
To: Sebastien HO <sho at traceparts.com>
Cc: Kiwiviewer <kiwiviewer at public.kitware.com>
Subject: Re: [Kiwiviewer] Windows 7 Platform - Build VES error
 <CAEw35Z8Rf725R4UVFgRLP-s1GVPwSqycTF3W9_0mZ_ETFHHoDg at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

That branch is merged into master now. You can checkout master and it
should work.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 3:54 AM, Sebastien HO <sho at traceparts.com> wrote:

> Hi Aashish,
> Thanks for your quick reply. I am getting an error on step 2 of "Get a
> copy of VES".
> While entering command : git checkout improve_ves_android, I am getting
> the following error :
> " fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
> I have then enter the VES directory : "cd VES" and test the command again
> and I am getting a new error :
> "error: pathspec 'improve_ves_android' did not match any file(s) known to
> git."
> Am I doing it wrong?
> Thanks for your help.
> S?bastien
> *De :* Kiwiviewer [mailto:kiwiviewer-bounces at public.kitware.com] *De la
> part de* Sebastien HO
> *Envoy? :* jeudi 20 f?vrier 2014 09:06
> *? :* kiwiviewer at public.kitware.com
> *Objet :* [Kiwiviewer] Windows 7 Platform - Build VES error
> Hi,
> I am struggling to compile VES on my PC.
> Here is what I want to do : I would like to use the Android project on
> Eclipse to do this I follow the tutorial  :
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VES/Developers_Guide_(Windows)
> I have cloned the GIT repository  but when I want to run configure.bat,
> the file is not part of the Master branch anymore. I have then run "cmake
> -P configure.cmake" which works and creates the build folder.  The
> structure totally differs from the Developers Guide, so I have tested to
> build the project through my VS studio. To do so I double click on
> Open Studio opens the projects and I build the solution. I get the
> following error during the build process.
> Error      4             error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android/CMakeFiles/
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CUSTOMBUILD
> ves-android
> Error      5             error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android/CMakeFiles/
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CUSTOMBUILD
> ves-android
> Error      2             error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android/CMakeFiles/
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CUSTOMBUILD
> vtk-android
> Error      3             error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android/CMakeFiles/
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CUSTOMBUILD
> vtk-android
> Error      1             error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code
> 9009.         C:\Program Files
> (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets
> 151         6             vtk-host
> Has someone experienced these issues? Can someone helps me?
> Here is the detailed of the build output :
> 1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ZERO_CHECK, Configuration: Debug
> Win32 ------
> 1>  Checking Build System
> 1>  CMake does not need to re-run because
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp
> is up-to-date.
> 2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: vtk-host, Configuration: Debug
> Win32 ------
> 3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: eigen, Configuration: Debug Win32
> ------
> 2>  Building Custom Rule C:/Dev/Projects/VES/CMakeLists.txt
> 2>  CMake does not need to re-run because
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp
> is up-to-date.
> 2>  Creating directories for 'vtk-host'
> 2>  Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'vtk-host'
> 2>  -- downloading...
> 2>       src='http://www.vtk.org/files/release/6.0/vtk-6.0.0.tar.gz'
> 2>
> dst='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/downloads/vtk-6.0.0.tar.gz'
> 2>       timeout='none'
> 3>  Building Custom Rule C:/Dev/Projects/VES/CMakeLists.txt
> 3>  CMake does not need to re-run because
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp
> is up-to-date.
> 3>  Creating directories for 'eigen'
> 2>  -- downloading... done
> 2>  -- verifying file...
> 2>
> file='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/downloads/vtk-6....0.0.tar.gz'
> 3>  Performing download step (download, verify and extract) for 'eigen'
> 3>  -- downloading...
> 3>       src='http://vtk.org/files/support/eigen-3.1.2.tar.gz'
> 3>
> dst='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/downloads/eigen-3.1.2.tar.gz'
> 3>       timeout='none'
> 3>  -- downloading... done
> 3>  -- verifying file...
> 3>
> file='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/downloads/eigen-3.1.2.tar.gz'
> 3>  -- verifying file... done
> 2>  -- verifying file... done
> 3>  -- extracting...
> 3>
> src='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/downloads/eigen-3.1.2.tar.gz'
> 3>
> dst='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Source/eigen'
> 3>  -- extracting... [tar xfz]
> 2>  -- extracting...
> 2>
> src='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/downloads/vtk-6.0.0.tar.gz'
> 2>
> dst='C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Source/vtk'
> 2>  -- extracting... [tar xfz]
> 3>  -- extracting... [analysis]
> 3>  -- extracting... [rename]
> 3>  -- extracting... [clean up]
> 3>  -- extracting... done
> 3>  No update step for 'eigen'
> 3>  No patch step for 'eigen'
> 3>  No configure step for 'eigen'
> 3>  No build step for 'eigen'
> 3>  Performing install step for 'eigen'
> 3>  Completed 'eigen'
> 2>  -- extracting... [analysis]
> 2>  -- extracting... [rename]
> 2>  -- extracting... [clean up]
> 2>  -- extracting... done
> 2>  No update step for 'vtk-host'
> 2>  Performing patch step for 'vtk-host'
> 2>  Performing configure step for 'vtk-host'
> 2>  -- Group StandAlone modules:
> vtkChartsCore;vtkCommonComputationalGeometry;vtkCommonCore;vtkCommonExecutionModel;vtkCommonMisc;vtkCommonSystem;vtkCommonTransforms;vtkDomainsChemistry;vtkFiltersAMR;vtkFiltersCore;vtkFiltersExtraction;vtkFiltersFlowPaths;vtkFiltersGeneral;vtkFiltersGeneric;vtkFiltersGeometry;vtkFiltersHybrid;vtkFiltersHyperTree;vtkFiltersImaging;vtkFiltersModeling;vtkFiltersParallel;vtkFiltersParallelImaging;vtkFiltersProgrammable;vtkFiltersSelection;vtkFiltersSources;vtkFiltersStatistics;vtkFiltersTexture;vtkFiltersVerdict;vtkImagingColor;vtkImagingCore;vtkImagingFourier;vtkImagingGeneral;vtkImagingHybrid;vtkImagingMath;vtkImagingMorphological;vtkImagingSources;vtkImagingStatistics;vtkImagingStencil;vtkInfovisCore;vtkInfovisLayout;vtkIOAMR;vtkIOCore;vtkIOEnSight;vtkIOExodus;vtkIOExport;vtkIOGeometry;vtkIOImage;vtkIOImport;vtkIOInfovis;vtkIOLegacy;vtkIOLSDyna;vtkIOMINC;vtkIOMovie;vtkIONetCDF;vtkIOParallel;vtkIOPLY;vtkIOSQL;vtkIOVideo;vtkIOXML;vtkIOXMLParser;vtkParallelCore
> 2>  -- Group Imaging modules:
> vtkFiltersImaging;vtkImagingColor;vtkImagingFourier;vtkImagingGeneral;vtkImagingHybrid;vtkImagingMath;vtkImagingMorphological;vtkImagingSources;vtkImagingStatistics;vtkImagingStencil;vtkInteractionImage;vtkRenderingImage
> 2>  -- Group MPI modules:
> vtkFiltersParallelGeometry;vtkFiltersParallelMPI;vtkIOMPIImage;vtkIOMPIParallel;vtkIOParallelNetCDF;vtkParallelMPI
> 2>  -- Group Rendering modules:
> vtkGeovisCore;vtkInteractionImage;vtkInteractionStyle;vtkInteractionWidgets;vtkRenderingAnnotation;vtkRenderingContext2D;vtkRenderingCore;vtkRenderingFreeType;vtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL;vtkRenderingHybridOpenGL;vtkRenderingImage;vtkRenderingLabel;vtkRenderingLOD;vtkRenderingOpenGL;vtkRenderingVolume;vtkRenderingVolumeAMR;vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL;vtkViewsContext2D;vtkViewsCore;vtkViewsGeovis;vtkViewsInfovis
> 2>  -- Group Qt modules:
> vtkGUISupportQt;vtkGUISupportQtOpenGL;vtkGUISupportQtSQL;vtkGUISupportQtWebkit;vtkRenderingQt;vtkViewsQt
> 2>  -- Group Tk modules: vtkRenderingTk
> 2>  -- Group Views modules: vtkViewsContext2D;vtkViewsGeovis
> 2>  -- Enabled 43 modules:
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonComputationalGeometry, needed by 2 modules:
> 2>          vtkFiltersGeneral
> 2>          vtkFiltersSources
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonCore, needed by 4 modules:
> 2>          vtkCommonMath
> 2>          vtkCommonSystem
> 2>          vtkCommonTransforms
> 2>          vtkParallelCore
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonDataModel, needed by 9 modules:
> 2>          vtkCommonComputationalGeometry
> 2>          vtkCommonExecutionModel
> 2>          vtkIOCore
> 2>          vtkIOGeometry
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtkIOInfovis
> 2>          vtkIOLegacy
> 2>          vtkIOXMLParser
> 2>          vtkInfovisCore
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonExecutionModel, needed by 8 modules:
> 2>          vtkFiltersCore
> 2>          vtkFiltersExtraction
> 2>          vtkFiltersStatistics
> 2>          vtkIOCore
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtkIOPLY
> 2>          vtkImagingCore
> 2>          vtkRenderingCore
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonMath, needed by 8 modules:
> 2>          vtkCommonComputationalGeometry
> 2>          vtkCommonDataModel
> 2>          vtkCommonMisc
> 2>          vtkCommonTransforms
> 2>          vtkFiltersCore
> 2>          vtkFiltersStatistics
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtkImagingCore
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonMisc, needed by 11 modules:
> 2>          vtkCommonDataModel
> 2>          vtkCommonExecutionModel
> 2>          vtkFiltersCore
> 2>          vtkFiltersStatistics
> 2>          vtkIOCore
> 2>          vtkIOGeometry
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtkIOInfovis
> 2>          vtkIOLegacy
> 2>          vtkIOPLY
> 2>          vtkIOXMLParser
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonSystem, needed by 10 modules:
> 2>          vtkCommonComputationalGeometry
> 2>          vtkCommonDataModel
> 2>          vtkFiltersCore
> 2>          vtkIOGeometry
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtkIOInfovis
> 2>          vtkIOLegacy
> 2>          vtkIOXMLParser
> 2>          vtkImagingCore
> 2>          vtkInfovisCore
> 2>  --  * vtkCommonTransforms, needed by 6 modules:
> 2>          vtkCommonDataModel
> 2>          vtkFiltersCore
> 2>          vtkFiltersStatistics
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtkImagingCore
> 2>          vtkRenderingCore
> 2>  --  * vtkDICOMParser, needed by vtkIOImage.
> 2>  --  * vtkFiltersCore, requested by Module_vtkFiltersCore.
> 2>  --  * vtkFiltersExtraction, needed by 2 modules:
> 2>          vtkInfovisCore
> 2>          vtkRenderingCore
> 2>  --  * vtkFiltersGeneral, needed by 5 modules:
> 2>          vtkFiltersExtraction
> 2>          vtkFiltersModeling
> 2>          vtkFiltersSources
> 2>          vtkInfovisCore
> 2>          vtkRenderingCore
> 2>  --  * vtkFiltersGeometry, requested by Module_vtkFiltersGeometry.
> 2>  --  * vtkFiltersModeling, requested by Module_vtkFiltersModeling.
> 2>  --  * vtkFiltersSources, requested by Module_vtkFiltersSources.
> 2>  --  * vtkFiltersStatistics, needed by vtkFiltersExtraction.
> 2>  --  * vtkIOCore, needed by 5 modules:
> 2>          vtkIOGeometry
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtkIOInfovis
> 2>          vtkIOLegacy
> 2>          vtkIOXMLParser
> 2>  --  * vtkIOGeometry, requested by Module_vtkIOGeometry.
> 2>  --  * vtkIOImage, requested by Module_vtkIOImage.
> 2>  --  * vtkIOInfovis, requested by Module_vtkIOInfovis.
> 2>  --  * vtkIOLegacy, requested by Module_vtkIOLegacy.
> 2>  --  * vtkIOPLY, requested by Module_vtkIOPLY.
> 2>  --  * vtkIOXML, requested by Module_vtkIOXML.
> 2>  --  * vtkIOXMLParser, needed by 2 modules:
> 2>          vtkIOXML
> 2>          vtkRenderingCore
> 2>  --  * vtkImagingCore, requested by Module_vtkImagingCore.
> 2>  --  * vtkImagingFourier, needed by vtkFiltersStatistics.
> 2>  --  * vtkInfovisCore, needed by vtkIOInfovis.
> 2>  --  * vtkMetaIO, needed by vtkIOImage.
> 2>  --  * vtkParallelCore, requested by Module_vtkParallelCore.
> 2>  --  * vtkRenderingCore, requested by Module_vtkRenderingCore.
> 2>  --  * vtkRenderingFreeType, requested by Module_vtkRenderingFreeType.
> 2>  --  * vtkUtilitiesHashSource, needed by vtkParallelCore.
> 2>  --  * vtkUtilitiesMaterialLibrary, needed by vtkRenderingCore.
> 2>  --  * vtkalglib, needed by vtkFiltersStatistics.
> 2>  --  * vtkexpat, needed by vtkIOXMLParser.
> 2>  --  * vtkfreetype, needed by vtkRenderingFreeType.
> 2>  --  * vtkjpeg, needed by 2 modules:
> 2>          vtkIOImage
> 2>          vtktiff
> 2>  --  * vtkjsoncpp, needed by vtkIOGeometry.
> 2>  --  * vtklibxml2, needed by vtkIOInfovis.
> 2>  --  * vtkpng, needed by vtkIOImage.
> 2>  --  * vtksys, needed by 6 modules:
> 2>          vtkCommonCore
> 2>          vtkCommonSystem
> 2>          vtkDICOMParser
> 2>          vtkIOCore
> 2>          vtkUtilitiesHashSource
> 2>          vtkUtilitiesMaterialLibrary
> 2>  --  * vtktiff, needed by vtkIOImage.
> 2>  --  * vtkzlib, needed by 7 modules:
> 2>          vtkIOCore
> 2>          vtkIOGeometry
> 2>          vtkMetaIO
> 2>          vtkfreetype
> 2>          vtklibxml2
> 2>          vtkpng
> 2>          vtktiff
> 2>  CMake Warning (dev) in Common/Core/CMakeLists.txt:
> 2>    Policy CMP0022 is not set: INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES defines the link
> 2>    interface.  Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0022" for policy details.
> Use the
> 2>    cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
> 2>
> 2>    Target "vtkCommonCore" has an INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property which
> 2>    differs from its LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES properties.
> 2>
> 2>
> 2>      vtksys
> 2>
> 2>
> 2>
> 2>
> 2>  This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
> 2>
> 2>  -- Configuring done
> 2>  -- Generating done
> 2>  -- Build files have been written to:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-host
> 2>  Performing build step for 'vtk-host'
> 2>  'make' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
> 2>  ou externe, un programme ex?cutable ou un fichier de commandes.
> 2>C:\Program Files
> (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(151,5): error
> MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 9009.
> 4>------ Rebuild All started: Project: vtk-android, Configuration: Debug
> Win32 ------
> 4>  Building Custom Rule C:/Dev/Projects/VES/CMakeLists.txt
> 4>  CMake does not need to re-run because
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp
> is up-to-date.
> 4>  Creating directories for 'vtk-android'
> 4>  No download step for 'vtk-android'
> 4>  No update step for 'vtk-android'
> 4>  No patch step for 'vtk-android'
> 4>  Performing configure step for 'vtk-android'
> 4>  loading initial cache file
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/CMake/toolchains/TryRunResults.cmake
> 4>  CMake Error at
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake:561 (message):
> 4>    Could not find neither Android NDK nor Android standalone toolchain.
> 4>
> 4>        You should either set an environment variable:
> 4>          export ANDROID_NDK=~/my-android-ndk
> 4>        or
> 4>          export ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN=~/my-android-toolchain
> 4>        or put the toolchain or NDK in the default path:
> 4>          sudo ln -s ~/my-android-ndk C:/Program Files (x86)/android-ndk
> 4>          sudo ln -s ~/my-android-toolchain /opt/android-toolchain
> 4>  Call Stack (most recent call first):
> 4>    C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake
> 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:93 (include)
> 4>    CMakeLists.txt:3 (project)
> 4>
> 4>
> 4>CUSTOMBUILD : CMake error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android/CMakeFiles/
> 4>CUSTOMBUILD : CMake error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/vtk-android/CMakeFiles/
> 4>  -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
> 5>------ Rebuild All started: Project: ves-android, Configuration: Debug
> Win32 ------
> 5>  Building Custom Rule C:/Dev/Projects/VES/CMakeLists.txt
> 5>  CMake does not need to re-run because
> C:\Dev\Projects\VES\Apps\Android\CMakeBuild\build\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp
> is up-to-date.
> 5>  Creating directories for 'ves-android'
> 5>  No download step for 'ves-android'
> 5>  No update step for 'ves-android'
> 5>  No patch step for 'ves-android'
> 5>  Performing configure step for 'ves-android'
> 5>  CMake Error at CMake/toolchains/android.toolchain.cmake:561 (message):
> 5>    Could not find neither Android NDK nor Android standalone toolchain.
> 5>
> 5>        You should either set an environment variable:
> 5>          export ANDROID_NDK=~/my-android-ndk
> 5>        or
> 5>          export ANDROID_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN=~/my-android-toolchain
> 5>        or put the toolchain or NDK in the default path:
> 5>          sudo ln -s ~/my-android-ndk C:/Program Files (x86)/android-ndk
> 5>          sudo ln -s ~/my-android-toolchain /opt/android-toolchain
> 5>  Call Stack (most recent call first):
> 5>    C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake
> 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:93 (include)
> 5>    CMakeLists.txt:8 (project)
> 5>
> 5>
> 5>CUSTOMBUILD : CMake error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android/CMakeFiles/
> 5>CUSTOMBUILD : CMake error : Could not find cmake module file:
> C:/Dev/Projects/VES/Apps/Android/CMakeBuild/build/CMakeExternals/Build/ves-android/CMakeFiles/
> 5>  -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
> 6>------ Skipped Rebuild All: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: Debug
> Win32 ------
> 6>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
> ========== Rebuild All: 2 succeeded, 3 failed, 1 skipped ==========
> Thanks for your helps,
> S?bastien
> ------------------------------
> [image: Image supprim?e par l'exp?diteur.] <http://www.avast.com/>
> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus<http://www.avast.com/>protection is active.
> ------------------------------
>    <http://www.avast.com/>
> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus<http://www.avast.com/>protection is active.
> _______________________________________________
> Kiwiviewer mailing list
> Kiwiviewer at public.kitware.com
> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/kiwiviewer

| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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