[ITK-users] Variable Matrix Access Violiotation

Fabian Torres fabian.trobles at gmail.com
Wed Aug 30 12:24:27 EDT 2017

Hi evryone.

I´m using itk VariableMatrix to do some image processing. But I have some
problems initializing my matrices.
When I use small sizes like this I do not have any problem

//matrix A
regionSize[0] = 15;
regionSze[1] = 15;
 VariableSizeMatrix<long double> matA;

But when I use bigger sizes like:

regionSize[0] = 100;
regionSze[1] = 100;

I get an Acces Violation exception
Access violation reading location 0xcdcdcdc1.

I'm using Visualstudio 2008 and ITK 4.4

Does this has something to do with memory allocation?
Is there a way a could verify if I have enough memory to allocate my matrix?


Fabián Torres Robles
Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Electrónica
Ingeniería en Sistemas Electrónicos
Tel. 58081280, 0445534661338
E-mail fabian.trobles at gmail.com, dae.wong at gmail.com
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