[ITK-users] cannot save transform to file: Can't Create IO object

Lowekamp, Bradley (NIH/NLM/LHC) [C] blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Thu May 26 08:31:50 EDT 2016


That branch makes some improvements, but there really does need a redesign of a few key initializations and shared library policies to work correctly.


> On May 25, 2016, at 6:38 PM, Sebastian Ordas <sebastian.ordas at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, this is within a plugin in a very complex framework (MITK)
> I will try to use that ITK branch but will take some time. Before that, I will try to do the save/load functionality from a MITK module.
> Anyway, I will share your hint with the MITK team and come back to the ITK list
> thank you,
> sebastian
> On 25/05/2016 12:38 a.m., Matt McCormick wrote:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> Is this in a plugin? There are significant issues when dealing with
>> dynamic_cast's of the templates in plugins.
>> Does building against ITK with this branch checked out help?:
>>   http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/21102
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 8:42 PM, Sebastian Ordas
>> <sebastian.ordas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Matt,
>>> The retrieved transformIO is null
>>> I looked into my ITK 4.9 build and I am trying something like this:
>>> itk::TransformFileWriterTemplate<double>::Pointer writer =
>>>     itk::TransformFileWriterTemplate<double>::New();
>>> // are .tfm and .txt the right file extensions?
>>> itk::TransformIOFactoryTemplate<double>::TransformIOBasePointer tranformIO =
>>> itk::TransformIOFactoryTemplate<double>::CreateTransformIO(
>>> "fiducials_transform.tfm", itk::TransformIOFactoryFileModeType::WriteMode );
>>>   if (tranformIO.IsNull())
>>>   {
>>>     MITK_ERROR << "transform IO is null";
>>>     return;
>>>   }
>>> writer->SetTransformIO(tranformIO);
>>> writer->SetFileName("fiducials_transform.tfm");
>>> writer->SetInput(transform);
>>> try
>>>   {
>>>     writer->Update();
>>>   }
>>>   catch (itk::ExceptionObject& e)
>>>   {
>>>     MITK_ERROR << "Caught exception: " << e.GetDescription();
>>>     QMessageBox::information( this, "Save transform", "Could not save
>>> transform. See error log for details." );
>>>   }
>>> thank you
>>> sebastian
>>> On 23/05/2016 05:35 p.m., Matt McCormick wrote:
>>>> Hello Sebastian,
>>>> By running against ITK with this patch checked out:
>>>>    http://review.source.kitware.com/#/c/21115/
>>>> the error message will state what transform IO classes are registered.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Matt
>>>> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 4:29 PM, Sebastian Ordas
>>>> <sebastian.ordas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello, I am trying to run the code bellow from my application (using ITK
>>>>> 4.9)  but I get the following error :
>>>>> ERROR: Caught exception: itk::ERROR:
>>>>> TransformFileWriterTemplate(000000000CD770E0): Can't Create IO object
>>>>> for file test.tfm
>>>>> I am sure that if I test it from a simple test application this should
>>>>> work,
>>>>> but I am trying to understand what I am missing from within my project
>>>>> (maybe some factory not yet registered or even some registration-related
>>>>> module not yet enabled in cmake?)
>>>>> typedef itk::VersorRigid3DTransform< double > TransformType;
>>>>> TransformType::Pointer trf = TransformType::New();
>>>>> trf->SetIdentity();
>>>>> itk::TransformFileWriterTemplate<double>::Pointer writer =
>>>>>      itk::TransformFileWriterTemplate<double>::New();
>>>>>    writer->SetFileName("test.tfm");
>>>>>    writer->SetInput(trf);
>>>>>    try
>>>>>    {
>>>>>      writer->Update();
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    catch (itk::ExceptionObject& e)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>      std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.GetDescription() <<
>>>>> std::endl;
>>>>>    }
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