[ITK-users] Get RescaleIntercept

Matias Montroull matimontg at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 19:31:33 EST 2014


I'm struggling with code I did to get the RescaleIntercept of an image.

It's simple as this:

typedef itk::GDCMImageIO ImageIOTypeGDCM;
ImageIOTypeGDCM::Pointer gdcmImageIO = ImageIOTypeGDCM::New();
reader->SetImageIO( gdcmImageIO );

double intercept = gdcmImageIO->GetRescaleIntercept();
std::cout << "Rescale Intercept value: " << intercept << std::endl;

Now, the last line returns "0" and actually the tag (0028|1052) reads

Is there any issues with the code or something I missed?
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