[ITK-users] Getting different labels slice by slice

Sarah Basti ahalabasti at hotmail.com
Fri May 23 06:50:27 EDT 2014

Hello guys,
I'm quite new with ITK and I really need your help. I was able to extract/segment 3D objects from an image using the binary threshold image filter. However I'm stuck here, because I need to analyze the mean intensities of these objects in the original image, but I need to to this analysis in 2D, because I need the intensities for each slice. As suggested in some other post I tried using the slice by slice filter, converting the binary image into a label map and then into labels. And my idea was to then use the label statistics image filter on the output of the slice by slice filter to extract the mean values. However, it turned out that although the conversion is made slice by slice, many times on adjacent slices the same label is assigned to the same object (I guess that it makes sense!), so when I use the label statistics, is like having 3D labels again, instead of a set of 2D labels. Therefore, I was wondering if there is some option to have different labels for each slice, or there is any other way to evaluate the 2D mean intensity of 3D objects!
I thank you all in advance!!
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