[Insight-users] Updating upstream inside GenerateOutputInformation()

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Fri Mar 7 08:59:07 EST 2014


Doing that is non-standard, unexpected and may break certain ways a normal pipeline can be used.

Generally, when I need to do this I just do it at the pipeline managing level not, inside the pipeline. This gives me more flexibility on how to manage streaming and other execution properties of the pipeline.

It's my view that this type of processing should be done at a level higher than the ITK-pipeline.

But if it work for you....

Hope that helps,

On Mar 7, 2014, at 4:44 AM, Vaaksiainen <vaaksiainen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi community,
> I've learned the way of writing image size changing ITK filters, but in the past always figured out the output size based on the input size and not its content.
> Now that I want to employ the content ("auto crop"ish), I realize GenerateOutputInformation() is called before upstream is updated...
> so
> is it 'legal' to call Update() on upstream inside GenerateOutputInformation(). 
> So like this:
> ::GenerateOutputInformation()
> { 
> InputImage * image = dynamic_cast<InputImage*>(ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
> image->UpdateOutputInformation();
> image->PropagateRequestedRegion();
> image->UpdateOutputData();
> ...
> }
> I've found AutoCropLabelMapFilter already, but I'd still like to hear comment. 
> The filter needs to connect finite number of downstream filters correctly.
> Best regards,
> -V
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