[Insight-users] [ANNOUCE] ITK/SimpleITK Iowa Workshop

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Fri May 10 11:48:59 EDT 2013

Open Hands-on Workshop on The Insight Segmentation and Registration
Toolkit (ITK and SimpleITK)

Summary: ITK and SimpleITK is a widely used free and open-source,
cross-platform software toolkit that provides an extensive suite of software
tools for biomedical image analysis, especially segmentation and registration.
Developed using extreme programming methodologies, ITK and SimpleITK employs
leading-edge algorithms for registering and segmenting multidimensional data.
ITK and SimpleITK is generally useful across many scientific and engineering
disciplines because of its support for advanced data structures such as
N-dimensional images and meshes with analysis in physical space coordinates.
The toolkit performs parallel processing and streamed pipeline analysis so it
can operate on large datasets such as those encountered in microscopy.

Luis Ibanez, Matt McCormick, and Xiaoxiao Liu from Kitware, Inc. will join local
ITK and SimpleITK experts Hans Johnson, Kent Williams, David Welch to conduct a
hands-on workshop on ITK and SimpleITK at the University of Iowa. The
interactive portion of this workshop will include an introduction to ITK, Simple
ITK and Python, with hands-on exercises on advanced image filtering,
segmentation, and registration. A free USB thumb drive will be provided with all
necessary software.

When: Thursday, May 30th, 10am-5pm.  The first hour (10am – 11am) will
provide an ITK
and SimpleITK overview for those who cannot attend the whole workshop.
The rest of the workshop will be a hands-on learning experience.

Where: The University of Iowa, 3505 Seamans Center, directions will be
provided upon request.

Audience: This workshop is appropriate for scientific programmers, especially
image analysts, who are interested in learning about ITK and SimpleITK and ways
to use it in their work.

Cost & registration: Free. Advance registration requested to help us
make better arrangements.
Please fill out the registration form at:

or email Daniel Langstraat at: daniel-langstraat at uiowa.edu


10:00  Introduction to ITK and Virtual Machine Setup, Introduction to SimpleITK

10:45  Break and VM Troubleshooting

11:00  Gentle Introduction to Python and SimpleITK through Example

12:00  Lunch

13:00  Advanced Image Processing

14:00  Levelsets to Segment Microscopy Cells

15:00  MRI Brain Registration

16:00  How to Contribute in the ITK Community

17:00  Conclude

What to bring: Bring a laptop with VirtualBox installed
(www.virtualbox.org) if you plan to attend the hands-on activities.

Sponsored by: The National Institutes of Health-National Library of
Medicine (NIH-NLM), Kitware, Inc., The Iowa Institute for Biomedical
Imaging, and The University of Iowa, Department of Psychiatry.

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