[Insight-users] Differences between Module_ITKIOMINC and Module_ITKMINC ?

Vladimir S. FONOV vladimir.fonov at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 14:27:57 EDT 2013


I am also behind the new ITK MINCIO module, we have decided to drop support for MINC1 in ITK  for compatibility reasons. (i.e not using NetCDF in ITK).  The original module mentioned below is available here: https://github.com/BIC-MNI/minc4itk but it is difficult to compile it and all the dependencies for Windows. 

On 2013-06-01, at 4:36 AM, insight-users-request at itk.org wrote:

> To be honest, I was also surprised with MattĀ“s answer about itk4 not providing support for both minc1 and minc2 files. (please see this http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2012-April/044293.html). Vladimir S. Fonov has done a great work on providing many useful minc tools on itk.
> I know that minc2 is a more modern and efficient file type but it would be nice to have native support for both files in ITKv4. The good thing is that we can have such support by installing ezminc (http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/MINC/EZMINC) package as an external itk module. 

Best regards,

Vladimir S. FONOV

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