[Insight-users] check is point inside a closed surface or not

shirani kannangara mangalika673 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 23:17:15 EDT 2013

Hi itk users

I am attempting  to check whether  a point is inside a closed surface(poly
dat mesh) or not. For instance I created a sphere  and used the codes given
under vtk examples *VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/PointInsideObject. *I have to
feed data as an array as my original program (based on vhp abdomen data
set) needs to feed a  large range of data.( eg. x= 675 , y= 401,  z=450 ).
The program was built with zero errors.But it does not check inside
correctly.(is inside=1,outside=0).I spent a long time to make it correct
but failed.Can itk do this.
.Can any body help me to get it corrected or propose a suitable way to do
this task.My codes are attached herewith  for you reference.

Many thanks
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