[Insight-users] error: itkLabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter.h

Sergio Vera sergio.vera at alma3d.com
Mon May 7 09:06:52 EDT 2012


Are you using ITK 3.8 or 3.18?

In order to use  itkLabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter you need to compile
ITK with ITK_USE_REVIEW set to ON. This is true for ITK 3.18, but I don't
know if it was availiable for 3.8 version.

Best regards

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 9:34 PM, Clodan <Majin_Clodan at t-online.de> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> well I tested the program on the following link:
> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/ImageSegmentation/ExtractLargestConnectedComponentFromBinaryImage
> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/ImageSegmentation/ExtractLargestConnectedComponentFromBinaryImage
> If I do:
> cmake
> I don't get any error but if I do:
> make -j 2
> then I get the following error:
> [100%] Building CXX object
> CMakeFiles/ExtractLargestConnectedComponentFromBinaryImage.dir/test.cpp.o
> /Users/System/HiwiJob/Ticket/_ Extract the largest connected component from
> a Binary Image/test.cpp:5:50: error:
> itkLabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter.h:
> No such file or directory
> /Users/System/HiwiJob/Ticket/_ Extract the largest connected component from
> a Binary Image/test.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
> /Users/System/HiwiJob/Ticket/_ Extract the largest connected component from
> a Binary Image/test.cpp:35: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token
> /Users/System/HiwiJob/Ticket/_ Extract the largest connected component from
> a Binary Image/test.cpp:36: error: ‘LabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilterType’
> has not been declared
> /Users/System/HiwiJob/Ticket/_ Extract the largest connected component from
> a Binary Image/test.cpp:36: error: expected `;' before
> ‘labelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter’
> /Users/System/HiwiJob/Ticket/_ Extract the largest connected component from
> a Binary Image/test.cpp:37: error: ‘labelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter’ was
> not declared in this scope
> /Users/System/HiwiJob/Ticket/_ Extract the largest connected component from
> a Binary Image/test.cpp:40: error: ‘LabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilterType’
> has not been declared
> make[2]: ***
> [CMakeFiles/ExtractLargestConnectedComponentFromBinaryImage.dir/test.cpp.o]
> Error 1
> make[1]: ***
> [CMakeFiles/ExtractLargestConnectedComponentFromBinaryImage.dir/all] Error
> 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> In short he can't find the itkLabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter.
> I have the 3.8 version. Why don't he find the file? do I need a newer
> version? If yes how can I do this? Or is there another reason? :(
> Greetings, Clodan
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://old.nabble.com/error%3A-itkLabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter.h-tp33763483p33763483.html
> Sent from the ITK - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Sergio Vera

 Alma IT Systems
 C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
 08022 Barcelona
 T. (+34) 932 380 592
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