[Insight-users] Registration using TPS

Lisa Dean lisadean.leo at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 01:28:43 EDT 2012

Dear List Users,

I have been trying to perform deformable registration using the thin plate
spline transform. I understand how thin plate splines work in the context
of mathematics but I do not understand how it is employed for registration
purposes. Could somebody explain to me the theoretical aspect of how thin
plate spline can be used for registration? I have gone through the paper
mentioned in the code for thinplatesplinekerneltransform, but that explains
only the mathematical concepts, it does not say how a spline used to
represent the set of source landmarks can give the target landmarks. Is a
displacement applied to the spline as a whole? or are different weights
applied to different regions of the spline to displace it?

Hope somebody can explain this to me.

Thanks a lot
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