[Insight-users] [Problem with Image Writer]

Andrea Lombardi andreal80 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 12:28:06 EDT 2011

Hi to all,

I’m writing cause I have a problem with ITK Image Writer. I set
origin, spacing and dimension of my image correctly, but when I read
the image the pixel aspect ratio is not correct.


The image file format is dicom, behind report of image info:

0002,0002  Media Storage SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008.

0002,0003  Media Storage SOP Inst UID:

0002,0010  Transfer Syntax UID: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1

0002,0012  Implementation Class UID:

0002,0013  Implementation Version Name: ITK/GDCM 1.2.4

0008,0012  Instance Creation Date: 20110818

0008,0013  Instance Creation Time: 110448

0008,0016  SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008.

0008,0018  SOP Instance UID:

0008,0020  Study Date: 20110818

0008,0030  Study Time: 110448

0008,0050  Accession Number:

0008,0060  Modality: OT

0008,0064  Conversion Type: SYN

0008,0070  Manufacturer: GDCM Factory

0008,0080  Institution Name: GDCM Hospital

0008,0090  Referring Physician's Name:

0010,0010  Patient's Name: GDCM^Patient

0010,0020  Patient ID: GDCM ID

0010,0030  Patient's Birth Date:

0010,0040  Patient's Sex:

0018,1164  Imager Pixel Spacing: 0.030000\0.245000

0020,000D  Study Instance UID:

0020,000E  Series Instance UID:

0020,0010  Study ID:

0020,0011  Series Number:

0020,0013  Image Number:

0020,0020  Patient Orientation: L\P

0020,0032  Image Position (Patient): 0.000000\0.000000\0.000000

0020,0037  Image Orientation (Patient):

0028,0002  Samples per Pixel: 1

0028,0004  Photometric Interpretation: MONOCHROME2

0028,0010  Rows: 512

0028,0011  Columns: 128

0028,0030  Pixel Spacing: 0.030000\0.245000

0028,0100  Bits Allocated: 8

0028,0101  Bits Stored: 8

0028,0102  High Bit: 7

0028,0103  Pixel Representation: 0

7FE0,0010  Pixel Data: 1110


Title: Bmode.dcm

Width:  31.36 mm (128)

Height:  15.36 mm (512)

X Resolution:  4.082 pixels per mm

Y Resolution:  33.333 pixels per mm

ID: -2

Coordinate origin:  0,0

Bits per pixel: 8 (grayscale LUT)

Display range: 0-255

No Threshold


When I try to read the image with a classic reader like imagej the
result is that visualization is not correct because the pixel are
considered square. The dimension 31.36mmx15.36mm are not respected in

Please there is someone that have the solution to this problem, how
can write not square pixel image?

Andrea Lombardi
-------------- next part --------------
0002,0002  Media Storage SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008. 
0002,0003  Media Storage SOP Inst UID: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1143.4958650283550590963595921924928123556
0002,0010  Transfer Syntax UID: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 
0002,0012  Implementation Class UID: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1143.
0002,0013  Implementation Version Name: ITK/GDCM 1.2.4
0008,0012  Instance Creation Date: 20110818
0008,0013  Instance Creation Time: 110448
0008,0016  SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008. 
0008,0018  SOP Instance UID: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.3631539919343458428151760728003179 
0008,0020  Study Date: 20110818
0008,0030  Study Time: 110448
0008,0050  Accession Number: 
0008,0060  Modality: OT
0008,0064  Conversion Type: SYN 
0008,0070  Manufacturer: GDCM Factory
0008,0080  Institution Name: GDCM Hospital 
0008,0090  Referring Physician's Name: 
0010,0010  Patient's Name: GDCM^Patient
0010,0020  Patient ID: GDCM ID 
0010,0030  Patient's Birth Date: 
0010,0040  Patient's Sex: 
0018,1164  Imager Pixel Spacing: 0.030000\0.245000 
0020,000D  Study Instance UID: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.85341964305384612593232827200078604
0020,000E  Series Instance UID: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1125.1.40623142373165063090777266660484764
0020,0010  Study ID: 
0020,0011  Series Number: 
0020,0013  Image Number: 
0020,0020  Patient Orientation: L\P 
0020,0032  Image Position (Patient): 0.000000\0.000000\0.000000
0020,0037  Image Orientation (Patient): 1.000000\0.000000\0.000000\0.000000\1.000000\0.000000 
0028,0002  Samples per Pixel: 1
0028,0004  Photometric Interpretation: MONOCHROME2 
0028,0010  Rows: 512
0028,0011  Columns: 128
0028,0030  Pixel Spacing: 0.030000\0.245000 
0028,0100  Bits Allocated: 8
0028,0101  Bits Stored: 8
0028,0102  High Bit: 7
0028,0103  Pixel Representation: 0
7FE0,0010  Pixel Data: 1110


Title: Bmode.dcm
Width:  31.36 mm (128)
Height:  15.36 mm (512)
X Resolution:  4.082 pixels per mm
Y Resolution:  33.333 pixels per mm
ID: -2
Coordinate origin:  0,0
Bits per pixel: 8 (grayscale LUT)
Display range: 0-255
No Threshold
Path: C:\My_Works\Acquisizioni\Paziente_000\Bmode.dcm
No Selection

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