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Tue Nov 1 15:57:14 EDT 2011

redefinition of an existing keyword is used somewhere.
Has anyone tackled this and fully compiled ITK4 on VC11?



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Hi all ITK users, <br><br>When compiling project itkvcl (amon many others) =
I get errors from xkeycheck.h<br><br>...<br>2&gt;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mic=
rosoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\xkeycheck.h(124): fatal error C1189: #=
error :=A0 keyword defined before including C++ standard header<br>

2&gt;=A0 vcl_cmath.cxx<br>2&gt;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Stud=
io 11.0\VC\include\xkeycheck.h(124): fatal error C1189: #error :=A0 keyword=
 defined before including C++ standard header<br>2&gt;=A0 vcl_cassert.cxx<b=

...<br><br>From the content of this file, I would guess that some extra #de=
fine redefinition of an existing keyword is used somewhere. <br>Has anyone =
tackled this and fully compiled ITK4 on VC11?<br><br>Cheers, <br><br>Jan<br=



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