[Insight-users] Texture features calculation problem

Salma Bengali salmabengali at ymail.com
Tue May 3 21:53:57 EDT 2011


I'm using the ScalarImageToCooccurrenceMatrixFilter to calculate the GLCM from a 
2D image, and want to extend it to 3D as well. I haven't been able to find any 
good examples on how to use this class, so I've coded using what I could 
understand from the description and old tests. 

When I run my program on a small 2D image, I get a histogram with no data in it. 
Can someone please provide some pointers on how to proceed with this? Any help 
would be much appreciated. I have provided the main part of my code below. 

Thanks in advance.

typedef float PixelType_in;
typedef float RealType;
typedef itk::NumericTraits < PixelType_in >::RealType     MeasurementType;

typedef itk::Statistics::Histogram< MeasurementType, 
itk::Statistics::DenseFrequencyContainer2 > HistogramType;
  typedef itk::Statistics::ScalarImageToCooccurrenceMatrixFilter 

                                  itk::Statistics::DenseFrequencyContainer2 > 
  CooccurrenceMatrixFilterType::Pointer cooccurrenceFilter = 

  cooccurrenceFilter->SetInput(reader->GetOutput() );

  //Set the histogram parameters
  cooccurrenceFilter->SetNumberOfBinsPerAxis( 256 );
  //Get output and assign to histogram pointer
  const HistogramType *histogram = cooccurrenceFilter->GetOutput();

  HistogramType::SizeType size ;
  size = histogram->GetSize();
  std::cout << "Histogram size =  " << size << std::endl;    //The size is 
displaying as null 

  Salma Bengali
  Graduate Student
  University of Iowa
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