[Insight-users] Java wrapper - itkThresholdImageFilter

Vlastimil Slinták xslint01 at stud.feec.vutbr.cz
Fri Jun 10 09:16:45 EDT 2011


I am working with Java wrapper from WrapITK project and I am looking for some examples and/or documentation.

I wrote the easiest example — read image, write image:

	itkImageFileReaderIUC2_Pointer reader;
	reader  = itkImageFileReaderIUC2.itkImageFileReaderIUC2_New();
	reader.SetFileName( "test-in.jpg” );
	itkImageFileWriterIUC2_Pointer writer;
	writer = itkImageFileWriterIUC2.itkImageFileWriterIUC2_New();
	writer.SetInput( reader.GetOutput() );
	writer.SetFileName( "test-out.jpg” );

But, what if I want insert some filter between reader and writer? For example, what if user wants read image, apply thresholding and than save result?

	itkThresholdImageFilterIUC2_Pointer thresh;
	thresh.SetInput( reader );
	thresh.SetOutsideValue( 0 );
	thresh.ThresholdBelow( 128 );

itkThresholdImageFilter in Java has only IUS and IF types. How can I create another types in Java? In native C++ it would be easy.

Vlastimil S.

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