[Insight-users] Windows 7 hang-ups

Edward Somer edward.somer at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 06:07:34 EST 2011

Dear All,

I'm writing an application that writes DICOM data using GDCMImageIO but it
causes windows 7 (64 bit) to stop responding while the data is rescaled
(uses GDCM (v2) Rescale, GDCMImageIO.cxx line 2130 approx). If I hack the
code to write a single row of my 128x128 image it runs fine, when I write
the whole slice I have the 'Windows has stopped responding' problem. I'm
using ITK 3.20.1, GDCM 2.0.18, MinGW64, my UI is Qt (build with minGW64).

Is there a simple way to stop windows hanging - I'm assuming it's a
WM_UPDATE type issue but I don't really know where to begin. Would a
handling a progress signal emitted from itk::SeriesImageWriter between
slices help kick start things?

Can I force itk::SeriesImageWriter to use a different thread to my UI - I
don't really know what that means or understand how to do it but it looks
good when I google.

I'm a bit out of my depth so any pointers would be welcome.


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