[Insight-users] Curve/Surface representation and operations

Brecht Heyde Brecht.Heyde at med.kuleuven.be
Wed Aug 10 04:50:58 EDT 2011

Dear all,


I am not really familiar with how curves and surfaces are typically
represented in ITK. I found PolyLineParametricPath as an example, but that
is only for two dimensions (see:
http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK/Examples/Curves/PolyLineParametricPath). I would
like to have a representation which is easily scalable to 3D. In practice
this surface does not necessarily have to be a closed surface.


For example, what would be the best way to proceed for the following simple
operations, given an initial contour (let's say in 2D):

-          Calculate the mean intensity of the image above/below the contour
over a certain distance

-          Calculate the (local/mean) curvature of the curve



Brecht Heyde 

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