[Insight-users] rotation

LaMoOsH .. xlolla28x at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 22 18:23:18 EDT 2011

i m wondering if im using the right code to do what i want to do. 
i want to used a rotation matrix on my image to rotate my vector over a point. not sure if this is the right code to use. im not specifiying my vector in this code. 
it just take a point as an input, which made me feel like there is something wrong. Is there an easier way to do this? is there a better alternative?
Here is the code, 
const double epsilon = 1e-10;
const unsigned int N = 2;
bool Ok = true;
typedef itk::Euler2DTransform<double> EulerTransformType;
EulerTransformType::Pointer eulerTransform = EulerTransformType::New();

// Testing Identity
std::cout << "Testing identity transform: ";
EulerTransformType::OffsetType offset = eulerTransform->GetOffset();
if( offset[0] != 0.0 
|| offset[1] != 0.0 
std::cout << "[ FAILED ]" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[ PASSED ]" << std::endl;

const double angle = 10.0 * vcl_atan( 1.0f ) / 45.0; 
const double sinth = vcl_sin( angle );
const double costh = vcl_cos( angle );
std::cout << "Testing Rotation:";

EulerTransformType::InputPointType::ValueType pInit[2] = {10,10};
EulerTransformType::InputPointType p = pInit;
EulerTransformType::InputPointType q;
q[0] = p[0] * costh - p[1] * sinth;
q[1] = p[0] * sinth + p[1] * costh;
EulerTransformType::OutputPointType r;
r = eulerTransform->TransformPoint( p );
for(unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++)
if( vcl_fabs( q[i]- r[i] ) > epsilon )
Ok = false;
if( !Ok )
std::cerr << "Error rotating point : " << p << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Result should be : " << q << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Reported Result is : " << r << std::endl;
std::cout << " [ PASSED ] " << std::endl;
Thank you!
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