[Insight-users] itk filters and memory use

Cory Quammen cquammen at cs.unc.edu
Tue Sep 21 09:26:38 EDT 2010

For the computation you are trying to perform, chaining together a set
of filters will be much slower than iterating. Each filter generates a
new intermediate image in memory. The next filter in the pipeline will
read the newly generated image, generate a new image, and save it to
memory. Reading and writing images to memory in this manner will kill
your performance and use a lot of memory. Your experience bears this

Fortunately, ITK provides a nice mechanism for defining functors
(operations carried out on every pixel in one or more input images).


See SubtractImageFilter for an example of how to implement a functor
image filter. Instead of subtracting one image from the other, your
functor would implement the computation you described.

The key advantage to these filters is that the iteration details are
taken care of for you. All you need to do is supply the input images
and the set of operations to carry out.

Hope that helps,

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:45 AM,  <devieill at irit.fr> wrote:
> Hi all, (sorry for duplicates)
> still on benching my progs on a 4g ram 2 core laptop, I face an ugly issue
> : code with iterators (thus not threaded) goes much faster than a code
> done with the filters, of course this happens for "large" 3D images
> (starting from 380^3 voxels).
> So my questions are :
> - are filters designed to save memory ?
> - is it better to process data on each filter separately ( thus no chain
> with connected input/output) from a memory point of view ?
> To better explain my purpose, I want to compute the gradient of the Total
> Variation in dimension 3 using the "beta" trick to ensure stability.
> basically it look likes, given an image src:
> compute
>  l2norm_beta = sqrt( dx(src)^2+dy(src)^2+dy(src)^2 +beta)
>  grad = dx(dx(src)/l2norm_beta) + dy(dy(src)/l2norm_beta) +
> dz(dz(src)/l2norm_beta)
> return grad
> As you can imagine lots of filter need to be connect in order to fit this
> computation, and sadly a simple iterator based computation works better
> for large image on my 4gig computer.
> In fact it is not clear to me whether this should be valid :
> typedef itk::SquareImageFilter< WorkingImageType, WorkingImageType >
>               SquareFilter;
> SquareFilter::Pointer  sqrt_op = SquareFilter::New();
> sqrt_op->SetInput(src);
> src = sqrt_op->GetOutput();
> src->Update();
> As far as I understand it, the filters will use iterators, so assuming the
> things are done properly (and not on all possible filters btw) the "Set"
> operation comes after the "Get" one, so this should not mess-up the
> computation and prevent some useless memory allocation.
> So in anyway, if there is a way to use the connecting itk pipeline without
> overusing the memory (and to avoid swapping...) I would be glad to hear
> it.
> Regards,
> de Vieilleville François
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Cory Quammen
Center for Computer Integrated Systems for Microscopy and Manipulation (CISMM)
Department of Computer Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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