[Insight-users] Generating a velocity field from a deformation/displacement field

Tom Vercauteren tom.vercauteren at m4x.org
Thu Sep 2 12:10:00 EDT 2010

Sorry, sent a  wrong link for Arsigny et al.'s paper. Here is the right one


On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 17:29, Anja Ende <anja.ende at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Tom. I think I will need to read these papers and try to get my
> head around some of these concepts.
> Many thanks,
> Anja
> On 2 September 2010 08:33, Tom Vercauteren <tom.vercauteren at m4x.org> wrote:
>> Hi Anja,
>> As an alternative to what Brian proposed, if what you need is a
>> velocity field which is constant in time and if your displacement
>> field is diffeomorphic (i.e. using Arsigny et al.'s terminology, you
>> want the logarithm of the displacement field), then you might rely on
>> Arsigny et al.'s algorithm
>> or on the more computationally efficient one from Bossa at al.
>>  http://diec.unizar.es/intranet/articulos/uploads/mfca08.pdf.pdf
>> Pierre Fillard just wrote an initial ITK version of Bossa's algorithm
>> and we have just integrated it in the following IJ submission:
>>  http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3060
>> Hope this helps,
>> Tom
>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 07:57, Anja Ende <anja.ende at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks a lot Brian. I still need to get my head over such
>>> diffeomorphic schemes but this helps a lot.
>>> I will spend some time checking out ANT in detail.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Anja
>>> On 1 September 2010 14:57, brian avants <stnava at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> hi anja
>>>> there are a few ways to look at this .... and a few things to consider
>>>> 1. a velocity field is just a regularized displacement field that may
>>>> or may not be constant in time.
>>>> 2. the required regularity in the field is related to the amount of
>>>> time and the way in which you will integrate the field
>>>> 3. the velocity and deformation are related, most generally, through
>>>> an ODE such as
>>>> D(x,t) = v(D(x,t),t) .
>>>> A crude way to convert a deformation to a velocity field and integrate it is :
>>>> v_0 = 1/n * D , where D is the deformation and w is the v_0 is the
>>>> constant velocity
>>>> w_0 = v_0
>>>> w_{j+1} = w_j( v_0 )   where j runs from 0 to (n-1).
>>>> w_{n-1} gives you a weak, approximate diffeomorphic version of D if D
>>>> is regular enough.
>>>> and this is valid only over small time interval.   ITK probably has
>>>> some tools for this --- ANTs (google "ants picsl") certainly does.  in
>>>> itk you can probably apply the WarpImageFilter to an image with vector
>>>> voxels.  and then add it as in the above algorithm ...
>>>> brian
>>>> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Anja Ende <anja.ende at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> Is there an easy way in ITK to generate a velocity field from a
>>>>> deformation field? I have a displacement field where each voxel
>>>>> contains a displacement vector (transformed position - initial
>>>>> position). What would be an easy way to estimate the velocity field? I
>>>>> am guessing the velocity field would just be the first derivative of
>>>>> this deformation field. Is that correct?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Anja
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>>>> ß®∫∆π
>>> --
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anja
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> Cheers,
> Anja

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