[Insight-users] 2d 3d registration with multiple 2d images

Bertelsen, Alvaro abertelsen at ceit.es
Mon Nov 22 12:05:38 EST 2010

Dear ITK users,

I am working on the development of an image-guided surgery application, for which I need a library for registration of a 3d image to multiple projections. I know about the classes already included in ITK -such as RayCastInterpolateImageFunction- and the extended library developed by Steininger et al. (http://ibia.umit.at/ResearchGroup/Phil/web/Simple2D3DRegistrationFramework.html). However, these do not fit our needs as they are limited to a single 2d image and we are interested in handling an arbitrary number of them.

I have searched in the mailing list and found some other people asking the same question, the last one on April 2006 (unless I have missed a more recent one). So, does anyone know about an ITK extension for what I need? Or, is there a way (which I am not aware of) to make ITK handle multiple fixed (2d) images?

Any help you could provide me will be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,

Álvaro Bertelsen
CEIT, University of Navarra, Spain

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