[Insight-users] automatic segmentation

Dawood Masslawi masslawi at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 07:43:04 EST 2010

Dear H. B.,
Basically there are four types of segmentation methods available in
ITK which are morphological, level-set, deformable and hybrid 
segmentation methods. I completely agree with Jon, the ITK software 
guide is a comprehensive source for learning about these different 
methods but considering your application (image guided surgery with 
FEM) any of the level-set methods seem suitable (e.g. Canny-Edge 
Level Set Segmentation). These methods would give you a good control
 over your resulting images since they are parametric approaches. 
Another good resource for learning more about segmentation methods 
is the book "image Processing, Analysis, and Computer Vision" by 
Milan Sonka et al., chapter 7 of the book is about different 
segmentation methods.
Dawood Masslawi
>Hi all,> 
>Is there a good atomatic segmentation tool, that i give it set of images and the output is set of segmented images.
>Best Regards
>   H.B

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