[Insight-users] itkMultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration and how to avoid maximum kernel size warning

Maarten Beek beekmaarten at yahoo.com
Wed May 12 14:26:23 EDT 2010

Hi all;

I am using the itkMultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration class to align two images. The images typically have a voxelsize of 0.0027 mm. I would subdivide the images in relatively small parts (perferably more than 10 pyramid levels) because the ultimate goal is the generate an accurate displacement and strain field.

Whether I use the MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter (default in itkMultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration) or change the pyramids into the itkRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter type, I often get a warning concerning the kernel width being larger than its maximum width.

I was wondering a) how to avoid this warning (both pyramid types only enable to set the maximum error), b) what happens when this warning is given (it seems itkGaussianOperator just generates a smaller - more inaccurate- kernel; but how would this affect the registration result and does continuing to apply pyramid levels make sense after this warning is given?)

I was hoping for another solution than to create new itk(Recursive)MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter classes and include a SetMaximumKernelWidth() function

Thanks Maarten

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