[Insight-users] MPI Vector Gradient Anisotropic Diffusion Image Filter

Kevin H. Hobbs hobbsk at ohiou.edu
Mon Dec 6 15:02:38 EST 2010

On 12/06/2010 02:25 PM, Bradley Lowekamp wrote:
> Hello Kevin,
> The warning is related to the pixel type you are streaming/pasting to
> the output file vs the pixel type in the file. MetaImageIO reports all
> multi-component images as images of vector pixel type. RGBPixels are not
> vector pixel types. So this warning is saying you are streaming
> RGBPixels to a Vector image, which doesn't match.  If you changed the
> output image to a image of vector is should go away. 

I _think_ I understand.

> I think this is reasonable behavior and a reasonable warning for this
> situation. What do you think?

I'm going to try to simply stream read/write an RGB image if that gives
the warning for each piece then I think something is unreasonable.

> BTW: I am curious of you are communicating between each node after each
> iteration, or are just having a large overlapping region?

I am communicating the sum, pixel count (silly this dosn't change), and
average of the gradient magnitude of each unpadded piece after each

Each node works on a region which is bigger than it's output region by
the number of iterations in each direction.

I suppose I could save some RAM and computation time by communicating
pixel values in a 1 pixel wide band but that seemed like too much
hassle. (Who wins at the corners?) I tried this for MPI Fast Marching
and it was a nightmare even though I had an algorithm to follow.

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