[Insight-users] FastBilateral missing in ITK?

Oleksandr Dzyubak adzyubak at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 17:41:07 EDT 2010

Hello Sergio,

Thanks for reply. At the moment I am using the "old style".
So I have submitted my review to promote this submission.
Hopefully it helps.



Sergio Vera wrote:
> Hello Oleksandr,
> As far as I remember, articles from the Insight journal had to be 
> reviewed by at least 4 or 5 users to enter the review section of ITK.
> So the first step is to write a review yourself after you have tested 
> the code.
> I do however, believe that we, the users are a bit lazy about 
> reviewing submissions, so contributions enter are moved into ITK very 
> slowly.
> Maybe would be interesting to rethink the process to speed up the 
> process of integration into ITK of the submissions.
> At the moment I wrote reviews to each submission that I use or find 
> interesting.
> Regards
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Oleksandr Dzyubak <adzyubak at gmail.com 
> <mailto:adzyubak at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I have a need of a narrow kernel Bilateral filter
>     which works "relatively fast".
>     After some tests I found that the Bilateral filter
>     provided by the ITK library is much slower than I expected.
>     Well, I might be doing something wrong so I have to explore that
>     deeper.
>     Fortunately in the Insight Journal I found an alternative
>     by J. Woehr "A Fast Approximation to the Bilateral Filter for ITK"
>     which serves my needs so far.
>     Unfortunately this very useful filter did not get into the ITK.
>     Which is even more, this contribution was never given a review.
>     As Luis Ibanez mentioned somewhere on this forum that in some cases
>     a nice positive review can promote the filter to be accepted to
>     the ITK.
>     If I write such a review, would that help or
>     there is another mechanism such as "user request", for example?
>     Thanks,
>     Alex
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> -- 
> Sergio Vera
>  Alma IT Systems
>  C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
>  08022 Barcelona
>  T. (+34) 932 380 592
>  www.alma3d.com <http://www.alma3d.com>

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