[Insight-users] dependency on imview

Richard Beare richard.beare at gmail.com
Fri May 22 20:51:29 EDT 2009

Not at all.

Imview is callable from the python interface, and maybe people have
added it to other language bindings too. There is an Imview package
that uses some of the image server capabilities of Imview - check
Gaetan's darcs site for that. Alternative viewers can be called
instead, by defining environment variables used by show2d.

An example from Gaetan:

It is also possible to use a different viewer in the itk.show2D()
function by defining the WRAPITK_SHOW2D_COMMAND environment. For
example, for imagej, I have:

 export WRAPITK_SHOW2D_COMMAND="/usr/java/jdk1.6.0/bin/java -Xmx1024m
-jar /home/glehmann/ImageJ/ij.jar %s  -run 'View 100%%' &"
 export WRAPITK_SHOW2D_LABEL_COMMAND="/usr/java/jdk1.6.0/bin/java
-Xmx1024m -jar /home/glehmann/ImageJ/ij.jar %s  -run 'View 100%%' -run
'3-3-2 RGB' &"

The imview server binding has some advantages in that it allows a
closer coupling of imview and the interpreter which lets you build
prototype interactive applications, and better performance because
there are no intermediate files - there are some examples in the
source package. It will also work with 3D images. The downside is that
colour images aren't supported yet.

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Darren Weber
<darren.weber.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> How extensive is the dependency in ITK on imview?
> For example, the tutorial here requires imview to display a 2D image:
> http://farsight-toolkit.org/wiki/FARSIGHT_Tutorials/Quick_Start
> Thanks, Darren
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