[Insight-users] incorrect frame increment pointer after dicomImageReadWrite

Hsiang-Chi Kuo kuoxgx at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 02:29:00 EDT 2009

Hi Mathieu,
My dicom file include frame increment tag (3004, 000c). The (0028, 0009)
should point to (3004, 000c). The correct header should be

"(0028,0009) AT (3004, 000c)                            # 4,1-n Frame
Increment Pointer"

However, after I applied dicomImageReadWrite.cxx, the header turns out

"(0028,0009) AT (4442,4d41)\(4141,3d3d)                            # 8,1-n
Frame Increment Pointer"

I have been walked through gdcmFile and gdcmFileHelper, still can't find any
clue. Is there a way to fix it?

Thanks a lot.

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