[Insight-users] Initial vector field for deformable registration

Jochen Cammin jcammin1 at jhmi.edu
Tue Jul 7 21:42:11 EDT 2009


I'm fairly new to ITK and want to use it for 4D image registration. I
modified the example DeformableRegistration2 to my needs (changing the
dimension from 2 to 4) and it works well.

I assume that the initial deformation parameters are all set to 0. In my
case, however, I do have an estimate for the initial deformation in
terms of an initial motion vector field (a 3D image with vectors as
pixel types). Is it possible to initialize the deformation with this
vector field?

I saw that other examples (like DeformableRegistration7) explicitly
initialize the deformation parameters with zeros by calling
parameters.Fill( 0.0 ). But it is not obvious to me how I would
translate the vector field into deformation parameters.

Thank you,

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