[Insight-users] How to extract a sub-mesh using itk::InteriorExteriorMeshFilter

Vincent Gratsac vincent.gratsac at irisa.fr
Mon Jul 6 12:15:07 EDT 2009

Hi all,

Actually, it seems that cells are not modified at all. So many of them 
are using points which do not exist anymore after using the 

Is there a way to generate new cells, or to extract only cells which 
uses the extracted points ?

Any help is welcome...

Thank you,


Vincent Gratsac wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to extract a sub-mesh from another mesh by using the 
> InteriorExteriorMeshFilter.
> The points of the sub-mesh are well extracted, but the problem appears 
> when dealing with the mesh cells.
> In the filter documentation, we can read : "...attention should be 
> paid to the cells because some of their points could not exist in the 
> output mesh, if they did not satisfy the criterion imposed by the 
> spatial function.".
> Here is my problem, I don't know how to clean cells which link to 
> points that do not exist in the output mesh.
> Does anyone can help me ?
> Thank you,
> Vincent
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