[Insight-users] Strange problem when building a release version of my code

Godspeed Dash godspeeddash at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 05:29:03 EDT 2009

Dear all,


I've been using ITK to develop a program to process medical images for some
time, and today I tried to compile my code which has successfully passed the
debug mode, using the release mode, the building was successful, however, I
cannot run the program for it will breaks down immediately every time when I
tried to run it.


Then I find that although the building process was successful, under both
debug mode and release mode, there was actually a warning saying "warning
C4996: 'sscanf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using
sscanf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See
online help for details." My guess is that this warning had resulted in the
total failure of my code in the release mode EXE, but I still have no idea
why it was merely a warning in the debug mode and caused no problem at all.


This warning is all about the file "
\ITK\include\InsightToolkit\gdcm\src\gdcmSerieHelper.h" I hope you guys
could help me solve this problem, or just offer a way to work around it. 


Thank you very much and best wishes!


Sincerely Godspeed

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