[Insight-users] reading-writing .mhd + raw data

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Aug 8 12:57:39 EDT 2009

Hi Zoltan,

There are three pixel types involved here:

   1. The PixelType of the image in the input file
   2. The PixelType that you used to declare your image in your program
   3. The PixelType of the image in the output file

The itkImageFileReader, by default converts the pixel type of the input
(1) to the pixel of the image that you declared in your code (2), then when
write the image to disk, the pixel type of the output image (3) will be
the same used in the typedef in your code (2).

Therefore, the reason why your output image is of type USHORT is that you
probably used in your code a typedef similar to:

      typedef unsigned short PixelType;
      typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension >  ImageType;
      typedef itk::ImageFileReader< ImageType > ReaderType;

If you know that your input image is of pixel type: UCHAR
then you should use a declaration such as:

      typedef unsigned char PixelType;




On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Zoltan Seress <seress.zoltan at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear members!
> I am a newbie in ITK and I ran into an annoying problem. I try to read raw
> data (obtained from brainweb) with the support of its .mhd header, then
> write it without any modification as it is presented in the user's guide.
> But at the end the resulted .mhd contains different information
> about ElementType, namely the original MET_UCHAR is replaced with
> MET_USHORT, what's more the resulted raw data size decreases. What is hidden
> in the background?
> Thanks in advance!
> Cheers,
> --
> Zoltan Seress
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