[Insight-users] [Insight-developers] ITK Tcon 2.0 today, Agenda

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Sep 19 12:55:13 EDT 2008

Hi Dan,

Your question is very timely.

The criteria for moving papers from the Insight Journal to the Review
directory "used to be" to have at least three reviews and a good rating
(4 to 5).

However, we have not succeeded in motivating the community to post
reviews. Therefore, in the last release (ITK 3.8) we went with simply
moving papers for which a certain need was established in the community,
in several cases the need was defined as whether someone has asked for
those functionalities in the mailing list.

In the particular case of the articles that we are listing, they refer
to ongoing collaborations with NAMIC groups who are working on brain

Note that these are not intended to be *the only* papers to be moved
in this release, we are simply starting to populate this list. Please
feel free to add more entries to it.

Large number of downloads and views are certainly other good measures
of an identified need for a functionality in the toolkit.

We welcome any suggestions on how to do this better....



Dan Mueller wrote:
> Hi Lius,
> I can not attend the Tcon (is that still a good name?) today, but I am
> curious what process is used to determine the transfer of Insight
> Journal papers to the review folder.
> Some of the articles being considered for inclusion (as listed on the
> Wiki agenda) are quite new, in fact the only submission which has been
> reviewed by a human is #301. So why are these new publications with no
> reviews being considered over publications with proven applicability
> (more views/downloads) and quality (more human reviews)?
> Take for example:
>    http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/179
> It was originally submitted over 12 months ago, has considerable views
> and downloads (views: 1955, downloads: 716), and two human reviews. (I
> must concede the automated tests are not 100% at the moment, but if
> the paper was considered for inclusion, I'm sure the author could
> rectify that). There are of course other examples, however this is one
> that I personally want to see in ITK proper.
> Is the process of transfer from IJ to review folder simply a developer
> or user saying to the ITK gatekeepers: "hey, I want such and such
> paper considered for inclusion"?
> Cheers, Dan
> 2008/9/19 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>:
>>The agenda for today's ITK Tcon 2.0 is now available in the Wiki.
>>   http://www.itk.org/Wiki/Agenda%26Status_091908
>>We will discuss:
>> * The release schedule for ITK 3.10
>> * Moving papers from the Insight Journal into the Review dir
>> * itk::Image behaving like itk::OrientedImage
>> * Lesion sizing toolkit in development
>> * ImageIO API for GUI support
>>Please feel free to add any topics.
>>Instructions to join the Tcon are available at
>> Thanks
>>    Luis
>>Insight-developers mailing list
>>Insight-developers at itk.org

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