[Insight-users] MRFImageFilter

Tom Nash tomnash1 at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 21 09:06:18 EST 2008

Hi All

I have been trying to implement segmentation using MRFImageFilter. However when I pass the applyMRFImageFilter->GetOutput() to the writer, it throws an error. 

Here is a tidbit of the main datatypes:

typedef itk::Vector< short >    VecImagePixelType;
  typedef itk::Image< VecImagePixelType, 3 > VecImageType;

typedef itk::MRFImageFilter<VecImageType,VecImageType> MRFImageFilterType;
  MRFImageFilterType::Pointer applyMRFImageFilter = MRFImageFilterType::New();
My input image is a 124 sliced Nifti image(signed short type) and my training image is also a 124 sliced Nifti which has been pre segmented into 4 classes.

Why can't I get the MRFLabelled output to be written?

Please help

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