[Insight-users] Floodfill segmentation or is there an other possibillity in itk

Oliver Trebbe otrebbe at uni-muenster.de
Tue Mar 25 09:27:07 EDT 2008

Hello Guys,

i have a problem, i want to segment 3d images in a special way, using 
floodfilling with integrated neighborhood checking, but i don´t get an 
idea using the iterator´s for this problem, maybe someone can help me 
getting my mind ready or can give me some tips or ideas using the 
iterators right...
the problem is i want to use the x y z dimensions but cant read them 
and just iterating through the voxels isnt the right way...
can i use pointers to the previous iterator? or next (or so)
how to define or use them?
would be thankfull if someone can help me



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