[Insight-users] External contour segmentation on CT

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Dec 25 17:40:43 EST 2008

Hi Jay,

A typical way of extracting the skin surface from a CT scan
would be the following:

    0) Read the 3D DICOM dataset using the ImageSeriesReader,
       as explained in the ITK Software Guide


    1) Use the ConnectedThresholdImageFilter with a lower
       threshold value of -1000. (In Hounsfield units, the
       expected value of of air will be -1024.)

       Place one or several seed point *outside* the body,
       (in the areas of air). Make sure to avoid the region
       outside the cylindrical field of view that most
       scanners define.

    2) If you obtain a segmented region with holes and
       isolated pixels, you may want to use the Mathematical
       Morphology filters in ITK in order to remove isolated

    3) You may also find usefult the Voting hole filling



Jinkoo Kim wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to segment the external skin contours on CT data set. What is the 
> typical ways of doing this? Do I just try marching cube with the 
> skin-air seperation pixel value? Or, thresholding followed by filling 
> the holes inside (which I don't know how to yet.) ? Please advise. Thanks.
> Best Regards,
> Jay
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