[Insight-users] Bspline registration using Example->Registration->DeformableRegistration7

Vidya Rajagopalan vidyaraj at vt.edu
Mon Aug 11 12:12:05 EDT 2008

Hello All,

I am trying to register two skull-stripped T1 brain images using BSpline
registration. I used one of the examples in the ITK distribuition
(DeformableRegistration7.cxx) as a template. I used the same metric,
optimizer and interpolator but have been playing around with other
parameters (Iteration, gradient tolerance and cost dunction convergence
factor). I am unable to get the transform parameters to change. The
final transformation is always equal to the initial transformation (all
zeros). Consequently, the warped image is not different from the initial
moving image.

Both target and source images are affinely registered to each other.
What should I do to ensure that registration occurs?

Thank you.

Vidya Rajagopalan
BioImaging Systems Lab
Virginia Tech

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