[Insight-users] Problems dewarping a fluoroscopic image

Karthik Krishnan karthik.krishnan at kitware.com
Sun Apr 13 16:02:46 EDT 2008

On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Boettcher, Dr. Peter
<Boettcher at kleintierklinik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
> I have serious problems dewarping a fluoroscopic image.

> Resampling of my fluo-image is done as it is shown in LandmarksWarping2
> example. I read in the landmarks, my fluo-image and compute the dewarped
> fluo image. However what I get is not what I expected. The image is less
> distorted than the original fluo-image, but one can see that there is still
> marked distortion within the image.

I looked at the images and it does look odd. The TPS should've at
least matched the landmarks perfectly in your case.

> I tried different kernels, I tried whether it would make any difference
> using itkWarpImageFilter or itkResampleImageFilter,

Both should yield nearly the same results. WarpImageFilter using the
deformation field or the ResampleImageFilter with the resulting TPS
> I tried to look onto the deformation field – however the *.mda image which
> is generated using the code of the deformable registration examples does not
> make sense when I try to put some glyphs on it using ParaView. I suppose
> that only the x-values of the vectors provided within the mda-file are used.

I looked at the paraview screenshot. Is this Paraview3 ?

It looks like you are orienting the vector glyphs simply by the scalar
magnitude of the deformation.

Make sure you've checked the "Orient" flag (see properties panel of
the Glyph filter) and make sure the scale mode is "Vector".

How are you loading the image into paraview. Is it a meta-image with 2
or 3 components ?


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