[Insight-users] Itk and OpenCV

Flo snrf at no-log.org
Fri Apr 11 10:51:42 EDT 2008

Dear all:


I am quite familiar with ITK. However, and despite the greatness (I'm
sincerely thanking any contributors here) of its content, I'm looking
forward to speeding up my applications now.


As such, I introduced Trilinos for every matrix linear calculation I needed.

As well, I would like to introduce another framework that could speed up
basic filters such as erosion / dilatation / region growing as I feel ITK is
a tide slow in these areas.


My architecture is Linux/Windows on Intel platform with a Quadcore. As such,
I had a look at Intel OpenCV and Intel IPP (as a side note, it is funny to
see that Intel provide the IPP for free under Linux only if it's for
non-commercial usage of any kind and/or non-funded development of any kind -
stating that a student's internship falls into commercial usage as at least
the university gets funds from the government).


Thus, and before starting recoding part of my applications, I would
appreciate the feedbacks of any ITK user as per mixing OpenCV with ITK
regarding a potential speed gain.


As well, is there any other way to speed up ITK for basic algorithm if
combined with another framework. 


My end goal is to have a fast Expectation-Maximization Code for image
segmentation without the trouble of converting an itkImage into a Vector and
then to a List to finally feed the EM algorithm, a process that takes lots
of time to my understanding.


Thanks for any info.



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