[Insight-users] gcc-3.3 : final_scan_insn, at final.c:2117

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 05:15:35 EDT 2007


  After reporting the following bug:

  I discover that gcc 3.x branch will not support huge number of lines
in a C++ file. I thought ITK + Wrap on had been compiled on the gcc
3.3 branch for a while. So I am wondering if I am doing anything

  Main options are:

 WRAP_ITK_DIMS                    2;3;4
 WRAP_ITK_JAVA                    OFF
 WRAP_ITK_PYTHON                  ON
 WRAP_ITK_TCL                     OFF
 WRAP_complex_double              OFF
 WRAP_complex_float               OFF
 WRAP_covariant_vector_double     OFF
 WRAP_covariant_vector_float      OFF
 WRAP_double                      ON
 WRAP_float                       ON
 WRAP_rgb_unsigned_char           OFF
 WRAP_rgb_unsigned_short          OFF
 WRAP_signed_char                 OFF
 WRAP_signed_long                 OFF
 WRAP_signed_short                ON
 WRAP_unsigned_char               ON
 WRAP_unsigned_long               OFF
 WRAP_unsigned_short              ON
 WRAP_vector_double               OFF
 WRAP_vector_float                OFF


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