[Insight-users] JPEG2000 in WrapITK

Brian Chapman chapmanbe at upmc.edu
Fri May 4 16:54:52 EDT 2007

I have some digitized pathology slides that are stored in a tiled format
with JPEG2000 compression. I'm just trying to get familiar with them, and am
trying to read them into a python shell via WrapITK. However, I always get a
Compression scheme error. Here is an example:

In [14]: reader = itk.ImageFileReader.IRGBUC2.New(FileName='./xaad.tif')

In [15]: img = reader.GetOutput()

In [16]: img.Update()
./xaad.tif: Compression scheme 33003 tile decoding is not implemented.

Is the problem that ITK does not recognize/handle 1) the JPEG2000
compression and/or 2) tiling?

Any help would be appreciated.



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