[Insight-users] ITKConfig.cmake has wrong include path for gdcm in itk 3.2.0 on windows

Yair Yarom irush at cs.huji.ac.il
Wed Jun 13 05:28:49 EDT 2007


I compiled and installed itk 3.2.0 on windows. Note that I used 3 different
paths for the source, the build, and the installation. Since the build was
locally and the installation was on a remote server the source and the build
aren't necessarily available.

But when trying to compile IGSTK using the installed itk, it complains that it
can't find gdcmSerieHelper.h. I traced the problem to
lib/InsightToolkit/ITKConfig.cmake where ITK_INCLUDE_DIRS has the directories:
Which are for the build and the source of itk, and not the installation. 

Please let me know if I've compiled the itk with wrong parameters, or if I'm
wrong about the source/build not being available.


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