[Insight-users] BsplineDeformableTransform

Reinhard Hameeteman k.hameeteman+maillist at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 14:42:50 EDT 2007


Two little questions about the BsplineDeformableTransform:

1) Why is in all the examples and in the itkSoftwareGuide the spacing
between the grid points set to an integer multiple of the voxel sizes?
I do not see a reason why the grid points should coincide with a voxel
position. If this is necessary I think it is better to directly
provide the grid spacing in number of voxels to avoid errors when
raising the number of grid points or using a smaller image.

2) A question I raised earlier due to the procedure followed in the
examples the upsample the spline grid
Is the doxygen documentation of this class correct in stating: "The
parameters for this transform is N x N-D grid of spline coefficients"

Thanks in advance,

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