[Insight-users] Selecting a specific dataset from a dicom directory using IKT and FLTK

Zein Salah salah at gris.uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Jun 8 15:31:28 EDT 2007

Hello all,

I followed the ITK Software Guide to read DICOM directories into my program.  Everything went fine. 

However, I store the list of series Id's (generated with GDCMSeriesFileNames)  into  a vector of strings, 

a string representing a series Id is toooo long. I want to choose a series ID from the list and then read 

the corredponding 3D volume. The question is how to interactively select an ID from the list. I thought

of using an FL_Choice. The problem is that I must define the input menu for FL_Choice dynamically, 

according to the list of IDs.  Is this actually possible? How? Does anybody have a better idea for 

choosing a specific dataset from the dicom directory? Does FLTK, e.g., provide functionality for generating 

some kind of thumbnails, from which one selects the needed dataset?

I would appreciate any suggestions and ideas.

Many thanks. 





However, I need suggestions regarding two points:

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