[Insight-users] Error: Unknown CMake command "INTERSECTION"

Joe Maisog joe.maisog at medicalnumerics.com
Thu Jul 19 17:21:49 EDT 2007

Hi all, I have encountered a problem when doing a fresh install of ITK, under
Windows XP.  I downloaded the ITK Release 3.2.0 source code into a folder
named "ITK", and installed CMake 2.4.6 using the Win32 Installer.  I then ran
CMake, pointing the source code folder to my folder "ITK", and indicating
another folder I have named "bin" as the place to build the binaries.


When I click on the Configure button, I then get an error:


    CMake Error: Error in cmake code at

    C:/My Documents/ITK/CMakeLists.txt:18:

    Unknown CMake command "INTERSECTION".


The offending line in the CMakeLists.txt file is:





How do I fix this problem?  Should I fall back to an older release of ITK or
perhaps CMake?






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