[Insight-users] DivideImageFilter and VectorImage

Emmanuel Christophe emmanuel.christophe at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 03:57:54 EST 2007

Hi all,

I'm doing basic pixel operations between images (multiplication,
addition, division etc.). All the MultiplyImageFilter, AddImageFilter,
DivideImageFilter are very usefull for that.

Most of these filters work well also when using VectorImage. So far,
only the DivideImageFilter causes some problem.

The issue with the DivideImageFilter instanciated over the VectorImage
comes from the use of NumericTraits<TOutput>::max().

In itkNumericTraitsVariableLengthVector.h the max() function are not
defined. Would it be possible to define these functions for the
VariableLengthVector to enable the DivideImageFilter to work?

Otherwise, I could easily define a DivideVectorImageFilter but it
would add one more class and remove the genericity of itk.

Best regards,

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