[Insight-users] The Insight Journal-New Submission

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Mon Sep 11 21:08:06 EDT 2006

A new submission has been added to the Insight Journal.

Title: itkQuadEdgeMesh: A Discrete Orientable 2-Manifold Data Structure for Image Processing
Author(s): Gouaillard, Alexandre; Florez-Valencia, Leonardo; Boix, Eric
There is nowadays an increasing need in interaction between discrete surfaces (2-manifolds) and images. More specifically, segmentation and registration of n-dimensional images are taking advantage of a priori geometrical information, most often provided as discrete 2-manifolds.
Most of the publicly available libraries are oriented either toward mesh processing or image processing.
Through a careful study we will show that none of those libraries are complete enough to fullfill image, surface and joint image-surface interaction.
We propose to implement in ITK library a powerful 2-manifold data structure. The choice of ITK was driven by the fact that it provides the best base framework along with a strong n-dimensional image kernel. Based on a Quad-Edge data structure, it has been specifically tailored not only to represent
orientable 2-manifolds (surfaces of real objects) but also ease further processing.
We illustrate the integration of the design into ITK as a native object, enhancing existing algorithms.
We also illustrate the power of the new design for further surface processing.

Download the paper at: http://hdl.handle.net/1926/306
Review the paper at: http://insight-journal.org

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